Dear 2017,
What a year it’s been! By far one of the fastest years I’ve ever experienced. I would imagine
that’s a good thing...rather than having an idle year that stretched on to infinity. 2017 I owe you an apology. I’m sorry that I allowed my thoughts, actions, feelings about myself or my life to be dictated by comparison. I’m sorry that I doubted or questioned the process. I’m sorry I blocked blessing by using words that spoke against what I intended. I’m sorry for dimming my light or allowing others to convince me to do so and agreeing with them in some way. I’m sorry for accepting less than I knew I was worth or for making excuses to justify the actions of others. I’m sorry for not being honest with myself or others and for not speaking up and voicing my opinion thus dishonoring myself and my value. I’m sorry for not taking more risks and launching into more “uncomfortable” places. I’m sorry for viewing certain experiences as a burden when in actuality it was designed to be a blessing. I’m sorry that I didn't achieve all of my personal goals for this year but even with that 2017, we still had a pretty amazing year. I learned so much more about myself and grew to become more clear on who I am and what I want. You taught me to be strong and to value the strength in my voice. You taught me to be more brave and more fearless in pursuit of my dreams. You taught me that my worth is not determined by my accomplishments but that its determined by the impact I have on the people I’m blessed to interact with. You taught me that honesty is still the best policy and even though it can be hard, it’s still necessary. You taught me of love and of happiness, you taught me of heartache and ofsadness. You taught me that anything worth having is worth fighting for. You taught me to stand up for myself and to speak up even if your voice shakes. 2017 you were a teacher and a friend, an ally and an enemy. You were everything you were supposed to be, for it was in The Creator’s plan that every experience I needed to prepare me for 2018 must happen just as it did. Each set back refining my patience and each victory inspiring the belief in hope that He who gave the promise shall perform it. 2017, I’m leaving my sorrys with you and I’m embracing the infinite possibilities that the new year brings. 2018 IS MY YEAR!! And with all certainty I am thrusting into the new year strapped with every hope, every dream and the belief that it’s possible. I am assured that “it ain't over until I win”. So here’s to you 2018; I hope you’re ready for me because I’m coming at you with guns blazing and eyes wide with intense focus, fiery passion and extreme confidence. I am who I am and I will no longer apologize for it. God custom made me, handcrafted and designed me specifically to reflect His brilliance. Who am I to dim that light? 2017 thank you for sending me all the teachers I needed to remind me of what I already knew but seemed to have forgotten; I am fearfully and wonderfully made. 2018, let’s make it EPIC!!
- DC